Showing posts with label heavy cream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label heavy cream. Show all posts

Friday, April 10, 2015

Chocolate mousse


3 eggs
300 g dark chocolate, coarsely chopped
55 g sugar
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
300 ml heavy cream and a little more for serving
grated chocolate to decorate

Chopped chocolate into pieces put in a bowl over the water and melt over hot water. Slowly stir until it dissolves completely. When you're done, leave the bowl aside and let the chocolate cool slowly.

During that time, about five minutes can beat eggs and sugar with an electric mixer in a separate bowl until you get double the amount of sugar and did not feel under your fingers. Then add the cooled chocolate and cocoa, and all once again mix well.

At the end you need to beat whip the cream. When the cream over, slowly stir in the chocolate spoon or silicone spoon. It is not recommended to use a whisk or mix.

This amount of mousse can deploy in six glasses and put them on a bit of whipped cream and sprinkle with grated chocolate or add Biscotti, a slice of tangerine and other decorations that you like. Decorations add to the end, after the mousse stand for at least an hour in the refrigerator, remove it 15 minutes before serving.

The chocolate mousse can put a spoonful of brandy and chocolate at dissolution. Non-alcoholic version is add a little vanilla extract or a cup of coffee.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Collard greens, beans and hake otherwise


- ½ kg Kale
- Olive oil
- 2 cloves garlic
- Lemon juice
- Salt and pepper

Bean salad:
- 20 grams of beans (I used butter beans)
- A small bouquet of radish
- Pumpkin and hemp oil
- Lemon juice
- Salt and pepper

The local fish paste:
(a la Masterchef Sime)
- 300 g hake fillets
- 2 carrots
- 1 parsley
- 100 g mayonnaise
- Bunch parsley
- 3 cloves of garlic
- Olive oil
- Lemon juice
- Salt and pepper


Fish paste:
First we pate to cool it and it would be her best to make a couple of hours earlier.
First hake fillets cook over low heat in a pot with vegetables practically until boiled strain and leave to cool. Vegetables you can eat.
2. When the hake cooled, remove the rest of the bone if you have that and fingers well chop fish.
3. Add the mayonnaise, finely chopped parsley and garlic, season to taste with salt and pepper, olive oil and lemon juice. Stir the flavors permeate and leave to cool.
4th Serve on toasted or some dark bread. When serving, the pate on bread dip a few drops of lemon and olive oil and a little pepper.

Bean salad:
1st beans soak overnight, and if you have a pressure cooker, cook it for 10 minutes in water with a little salt and bay leaf. If you do not have a pressure cooker, cook it in the ordinary way or buy canned beans if you do not have time. Beans strain, wash and chill.
Second Radishes clean, wash and chop into thin semicircles and put in the beans.
3rd Season with salt and pepper, pumpkin, and if you have, hemp oil, and lemon juice. Stir everything well and the salad is ready. More collard greens!

First collards clean, if a very thick woody, cut them, and then rinse it under cold running water. Do not soak! Cut leaves into small pieces thickness 1-1.5 cm, and the stem into pieces 0.5 cm. It is recommended that collards before inserting it into the pot let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes.
2. Move the pot to steam to boil. Shred or crushed garlic and let it stand for 5 minutes.
3. When the pair started to create, insert collards in a pot and cook it for 5 minutes. If the stem thicker than 0.5 cm, they should be 1-2 minutes more and the first to put the stem, so for 2 minutes to insert the leaves and cook for another 5 minutes. If you want to alleviate the taste of garlic as I, after 3 minutes of cooking to stick in a pot with borecole.
4th collards drain, move into a bowl and political with olive oil, lemon juice and season with salt and pepper.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Kiss cake


300g biscuits
150g butter or margarine
juice of one orange
1 tablespoon cognac or rum
700ml heavy cream
100g dark chocolate
250g mascarpone cheese
Krokant 50g walnuts
And more
Kisses / meringues


Butter mixer to create and append the ground biscuit, orange juice and a spoonful of brandy.

All beautifully unite and push the bottom of the mold with a diameter of 24 cm.

Zagijte 200 ml. cream to a boil, remove from stove and been broken into him chocolate.

Mix until the chocolate is melted.

2-3 tablespoons mlačnog chocolate cream, spreading over the surface in a mold.

The rest of the chill.

On the buttered surface Arrange "kisses" so that her entire coat.

Mix chocolate cream.

It cover kisses.

The rest of the cream izlupajte in whipped cream, and in it stir mascarpone cheese and walnut krokant.

Pour it over the chocolate cream, align, decorate and place on cooling for a few hours!

Cake is a simple and fine and I hope you enjoy it if you decide to do!