Monday, September 29, 2014


- 250 ml water
- 50 ml oil
- pinch of salt
- 250 grams flour
- 4 eggs
- sorbet
- 600 g sugar
- 500 ml water
- 1 small package from 50g. vanilla- sugar
- little oil

First Prepare the sorbet.
Water and sugar boil. Boil for 20 minutes on medium flame. When ready add around 50 ml cold water and vanilla. Mix and let cool.


Water, oil and salt put in pan to boil. Add the four and mix well until combined. Leave to cool. Add the eggs and make a dough until smooth.
Ad the dough in  cooking syringe and fry in a pan with lot oil.
the fried tulumb add in the sorbet. lay in plate and pour the rest of the sorbet. Let cool and ready to eat

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