Monday, October 26, 2015

Broccoli soup

60 grams of broccoli
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tbsp sunflower oil
1 onion
1 pinch of nutmeg
200 ml cream
white pepper

Separate the broccoli flowers from thick stalks. Finely slice the onion and broccoli stems cut into large cubes. On the heated oil (half olive oil, half a sunflower) glazed onions, then add the broccoli stalks and a little salt and fry until the stalks a little soft. Then grate a little nutmeg and parboil. Add broccoli flowers and mix with onions and stalks and add water to cover the vegetables so much. Cook for about twenty minutes, but watch to broccoli or not to stay too crispy. When broccoli is cooked, remove from the pot a few flowers of broccoli, which will serve as an ornament to serve the rest of the vegetables and chop stick blender. Add cream, stir and taste the soup and add salt to taste further if necessary and let it boil. When the soup boils, remove from heat, pour into a deep plate, decorate flowers broccoli and serve.

Homemade Gnocchi

400 g of powdered potatoes
300 g flour
4 eggs
60 g butter
Potatoes cooked in use by putting it into cold water, and when they are cooked, allow to cool slightly. Push them to the fork and peel the bark.

Potatoes should be pushed through the press or extractors, can grate on the grater in a bowl.

Now we need to add butter, egg, salt, nutmeg and mix with your fingers and gradually add flour until the mixture is soft and smooth, and while he stops to catch the bowl.

The mixture then roll out into long cylinders of 1-2 cm, and cut with a knife in the form of long noodles in its sole discretion.

Gnocchi should dust with, let it rest a little and then put to cook in salted boiling water.

When they float to remove net and immediately soak in a bowl of cold water to cool

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Foam Strawberry

1/4 strawberry
1/4 kg of sugar
1 egg white

The berries well washed and cleaned of leaves and cut into four pieces. At the same time in a large container, put the strawberries, egg white and sugar and stir until a fine foam. The ingredients will need to blur quite a while, so do not give up until you get a thick, frothy mass. This foam strawberry can prezmati over the biscuits, or use fruit cake, and it will be delicious if you serve it alone or with pieces of fruit.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Lava chocolate cake


200 g chocolate
113 gr butter
200 g of powdered sugar
2 eggs
2 egg yolks
teaspoon vanilla
6 tablespoons flour

ice cream for serving

Butter and chocolate melt in pairs and Mix well.
Off the steam and add powdered sugar and continue mixing with a wire from the mixer.
Add eggs and egg yolks, then add the flour.
When a mixture of finely merged placed in molds previously greased with butter. Warm up the oven to 215 degrees C, filled molds to sort and let it bake for 12 minutes. When roasted, open the oven and leave in 2 minutes.
Cookies remove the decorative plate and put on each scoop of ice cream. Warm eaten.

Octopus salad

Ingredients (10 people):
4 kg octopus
2 lemons
2 dl of olive oil
0,5 dl vinegar
2 bay leaves
salt and pepper
2 cloves garlic
1 onion (or green onions)
little cherry tomatoes (Optional)
bundle of chopped parsley.
Clean the octopus (facing the gut, remove the skin from the womb, remove the tooth and eyes with head and remove the upper diaphragm and legs), and place them in cold water with two bay leaves and one lemon cut in half. If desired, it can be a little salt and add a few peppercorns. Cooked is when the arm at the head can cut with a spoon. Drain and cover with a damp cloth to dry.

When cooking, chop the onion, garlic, parsley and cut the tomatoes into pieces.

When the octopus is cooled cut into pieces (rings), add nakosane ingredients, olive oil, vinegar, juice of one lemon, salt and pepper. Stir and serve with a slice of lemon.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Apple pie

Ingredients for stuffing pie with apples
1 kg of apples
10 grams of walnuts
sugar to taste (as far as who loves cute, or how many apples are acidic)
cinnamon to taste
1 sachet vanilla sugar
Divide the dough into two parts. Baking sheet greased and dust with. One half of the dough roll out to the mold or baking pan, carefully transfer to a baking sheet, sprinkle with 5 grams of walnuts and bake in a preheated oven at 150 ° C for 20-30 minutes.

Remove from the oven, grated apples slowly drained of excess fluid, over baked crust agree, sprinkle the rest of the walnuts, cinnamon sugar and vanilla with sugar to taste. Thus prepared apples covered with bark of the second part of the dough. Top crust to stab with a fork (even on 15-of) that should not cracked bark. The prepared pie bake at 175 ° C and bake for 40 minutes. Cut into cubes (if baked in a pan) or slices (if baked in a mold district), and to taste sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Sausage- KULEN


The basic recipe for sausage is a piece of ham or withers, which is cut into small cubes and Poso. Depending on the amount of meat, add pepper and hot red pepper so that it is quite spicy - spicy sausage must be angry. Meat with spices Mix well, charging hose wiener. Wiener immediately put on a light smoke. Kulen dry for a long time, for at least a month.

Celery with cheese

2 celery
100 g of cheese feta (or Gruyere, Emmental or)
2 wire homemade olive oil
juice of one lemon
salt and pepper to taste
Celery clean, wash and remove the leaves. Stalks of celery salt, pepper, pour the lemon juice and pour 3 tablespoons of olive oil and let it sit for an hour.

Thus prepared celery drain and place on an oiled grill grate (or grill pan) and bake for 10 minutes on one side, and five minutes on the other. When both sides stung again turn and lay thinly sliced cheese plates, ovens for about 5 minutes for the cheese melts, remove to a serving platter and sprinkle ground pepper to taste.

Chocolate mousse


3 eggs
300 g dark chocolate, coarsely chopped
55 g sugar
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
300 ml heavy cream and a little more for serving
grated chocolate to decorate

Chopped chocolate into pieces put in a bowl over the water and melt over hot water. Slowly stir until it dissolves completely. When you're done, leave the bowl aside and let the chocolate cool slowly.

During that time, about five minutes can beat eggs and sugar with an electric mixer in a separate bowl until you get double the amount of sugar and did not feel under your fingers. Then add the cooled chocolate and cocoa, and all once again mix well.

At the end you need to beat whip the cream. When the cream over, slowly stir in the chocolate spoon or silicone spoon. It is not recommended to use a whisk or mix.

This amount of mousse can deploy in six glasses and put them on a bit of whipped cream and sprinkle with grated chocolate or add Biscotti, a slice of tangerine and other decorations that you like. Decorations add to the end, after the mousse stand for at least an hour in the refrigerator, remove it 15 minutes before serving.

The chocolate mousse can put a spoonful of brandy and chocolate at dissolution. Non-alcoholic version is add a little vanilla extract or a cup of coffee.