Monday, December 15, 2014

Collard greens, beans and hake otherwise


- ½ kg Kale
- Olive oil
- 2 cloves garlic
- Lemon juice
- Salt and pepper

Bean salad:
- 20 grams of beans (I used butter beans)
- A small bouquet of radish
- Pumpkin and hemp oil
- Lemon juice
- Salt and pepper

The local fish paste:
(a la Masterchef Sime)
- 300 g hake fillets
- 2 carrots
- 1 parsley
- 100 g mayonnaise
- Bunch parsley
- 3 cloves of garlic
- Olive oil
- Lemon juice
- Salt and pepper


Fish paste:
First we pate to cool it and it would be her best to make a couple of hours earlier.
First hake fillets cook over low heat in a pot with vegetables practically until boiled strain and leave to cool. Vegetables you can eat.
2. When the hake cooled, remove the rest of the bone if you have that and fingers well chop fish.
3. Add the mayonnaise, finely chopped parsley and garlic, season to taste with salt and pepper, olive oil and lemon juice. Stir the flavors permeate and leave to cool.
4th Serve on toasted or some dark bread. When serving, the pate on bread dip a few drops of lemon and olive oil and a little pepper.

Bean salad:
1st beans soak overnight, and if you have a pressure cooker, cook it for 10 minutes in water with a little salt and bay leaf. If you do not have a pressure cooker, cook it in the ordinary way or buy canned beans if you do not have time. Beans strain, wash and chill.
Second Radishes clean, wash and chop into thin semicircles and put in the beans.
3rd Season with salt and pepper, pumpkin, and if you have, hemp oil, and lemon juice. Stir everything well and the salad is ready. More collard greens!

First collards clean, if a very thick woody, cut them, and then rinse it under cold running water. Do not soak! Cut leaves into small pieces thickness 1-1.5 cm, and the stem into pieces 0.5 cm. It is recommended that collards before inserting it into the pot let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes.
2. Move the pot to steam to boil. Shred or crushed garlic and let it stand for 5 minutes.
3. When the pair started to create, insert collards in a pot and cook it for 5 minutes. If the stem thicker than 0.5 cm, they should be 1-2 minutes more and the first to put the stem, so for 2 minutes to insert the leaves and cook for another 5 minutes. If you want to alleviate the taste of garlic as I, after 3 minutes of cooking to stick in a pot with borecole.
4th collards drain, move into a bowl and political with olive oil, lemon juice and season with salt and pepper.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Hamburg soup

200 g of white meat chickens
50 g mushroom
100 g pea
150 g butter
150 g of wheat flour
half eggs
0.6 oz of sour cream
1.5 l beef broth
salt and pepper
In the melted butter fry flour. Cook the peas and passed.
White meat chickens, cook and separate from the bone. Cut into small cubes and strain the broth.
Have you beef broth and pour it fried flour, add sauteed mushrooms and add chicken soup. Let it all boil together.
Add crushed peas and season if necessary. In Scramble eggs and cream before serving
 soup. The soup serve as a supplement dumplings with potato and marjoram.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Musaka from kale

larger heads kale
0.5 kg minced meat (optional: a combination of beef / pork, or just beef, pork or turkey)
1 onion
1 bunch of parsley
3-4 eggs
cream according to taste
pepper, salt to taste
1 teaspoon of sweet red pepper (according to taste)
oil flour breadcrumbs
Kale washed, separated by sheets so they mashed in boiling water (when water turns again, cook for 2-3 minutes). Blanched leaves drain and set aside.

Minced meat stew: Heat oil, glazed one capital, finely chopped onions, then add the meat. Meat salt and pepper to taste, who loves to be added and sweet red peppers. Cook for about half an hour on low heat, then remove from heat and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Greased baking tray and sprinkle liberally with bread crumbs, then cover the bottom half mashed leaves kale, cover the meat and arrange on top the other half leaves of kale. The eggs taste add a little cream (a couple tablespoons), add a couple tablespoons of flour (the mixture should be thick around as a pancake) and cover by leaves of kale and meat. Oven temperature at 170 ° C and bake for 30 to 40 minutes.

Celery with cheese

2 celery
100g feta cheese (or Gruyere or Emmental)
Two wires homemade olive oil
juice of one lemon
salt and pepper to taste
Celery clean, wash and remove the leaves. Stalks of celery salt, pepper, pour the lemon juice and pour 3 tablespoons of olive oil and let it sit for an hour.

Thus prepared celery drain and place it on an oiled grate grill (or grill pan) and bake for 10 minutes on one side, and 5 minutes on the other. When both sides are stung again turn and lay thinly sliced plates of cheese, bake for another 5 minutes to let the cheese has melted, remove it to a serving platter and sprinkle with ground pepper to taste.

Serve warm, until the cheese is still dissolved.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

French salad

for mayonnaise

3 egg yolks
2.1 liters of oil
200 gr mustard
salt and pepper
a few drops of lemon juice

3/4 to 1 kg of smaller potatoes of equal size
25 grams of carrots 2
5 grams of peas
5 large or 10 small cucumbers (depending on size)
40 ounces of hard cheese
The secret of good French salad in mayonnaise, so we recommend that you create your own instead of buying it. For the amount that we recommend here (for fifteen people) need three eggs, or egg yolks. Egg yolks separated from the whites and the first to add one teaspoon of mustard, and slowly mixed into a uniform mass. Then, slowly, dropwise, added to the oil, mixing constantly. When the oil and the eggs are not connected, stop adding oil and mix at the highest speed. When oil and egg yolks connect, continue with a slight adding oil. Three egg yolks can "drink" up to half a liter of oil that will be enough for the amount of other ingredients. Mayonnaise can be made from olive oil, which is warmly recommended. When the egg yolks and oil connect in unique majonezastu mixture should be seasoned. First mix 200 grams of mustard (recommended tarragon), then add salt and pepper. Mayonnaise should be tasted, and salt and pepper should be placed so that you do that is mayonnaise "fierce", ie. It's too salty, slightly peppered and too acidic. This is because the vegetables are cooked in water only and has no additional flavorings, you will get mayonnaise.

Potatoes cook in the shell. When cooked, just peel it. Cook carrots and peas. Cook all ingredients separately, only in hot water. All the ingredients (potatoes, carrots, cucumber and cheese), cut into cubes of equal size (approximate size of grains of peas), all together mix with mayonnaise. Leave in refrigerator for at least 12 hours to cool down. These amounts are approximate, may vary slightly. Also, here we have listed the basic ingredients of French salad. In this recipe can be added and cooked ham and cooked celery root.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

lasagna bolognese

For minced meat bolognese
1/2 kg minced meat (pork and beef, or turkey and pork)
2 onions
3 tablespoons olive oil
bay leaf
2 sprigs of basil
2 cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon red pepper
salt and pepper to taste
200 ml of tomato puree
some water for pouring
Heat oil over medium heat and add the diced onion. When onions are glassy, ​​add finely chopped garlic. Add minced meat and simmer until the meat becomes brown. Add salt, infuse, add red pepper, basil and bay leaf. All mix well and add the tomatoes, reduce heat to lowest, cover and cook over low heat for about an hour. Stir and, if necessary to add a little water.

50g butter
55 g flour
1 liter of milk
60 g parmesan cheese
Melt the butter in a pot on low heat. When the butter is melted, remove the pot from the heat and add a little flour. Constantly stir the butter when adding the flour to avoid lumps made.
When all the flour is added, little by little add the milk, and stir again all the time not to make lumps.
Restore the pot on low heat and stir with a wooden spoon until the mixture turns and becomes denser. When sufficiently concentrated, put out the fire and add a pinch of salt, Parmesan cheese and a little freshly grated nutmeg.

Prepare lasagna
Butter a baking sheet greased
180 g freshly grated cheese grated

Heat the water to a boil and add the tablespoon of salt and olive oil. Prepare an extra bowl of cold water. Cook the pasta for lasagna according to manufacturer's instructions, but be careful that the dough be "al dente," or that it does not overcook.
Remove the dough from the water and short out plunge into cold water in order to break the cooking process. The cooked dough stacked on a clean kitchen towel to drain excess fluid. Oven heated to 175 C
Baking pan greased with butter, and bottom coated with a thin layer béchamel and cover the dough, spread a third of the bolognese sauce, over that potkriti third béchamel. Repeat two more times, and the final layer of béchamel cover cheese.
Bake for 20-30 minutes. Lasagne are ready when the cheese is browned and become slightly brown in color.
Remove from the oven, leave ten minutes to cool it serve.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Chocolate vanilla


Cake mold with a diameter of 24 cm
-130 G butter
-300 G sugar
-3 Eggs
-120 Ml of milk
-160 G flour
-60 G bitter cocoa
-1 Teaspoon baking soda
-on top teaspoons baking powder
-prstohvat salt

-240 Ml of milk
-1 Bag of gelatin + 5 tablespoons water
-4 Egg yolks
-80 G sugar
-300 Ml heavy whipping cream
-2 Whipped a fix
-1 Vanilla sugar
-1 Bourbon vanilla sugar
-1 Vanilla pod
Chocolate Cream
-1 Gelatin + 5 tablespoons water
-2 Egg yolks
-90 G sugar
-250 Ml of milk
-200 G dark cooking chocolate
-300 Ml heavy whipping cream
-2 Whipped a fix
-1 Vanilla sugar
-500 Ml heavy whipping cream
-2 Vanilla sugar
-2 Whipped a fix if needed
-2 Tablespoons bitter cocoa powder


Preheat oven to 180 degrees.

The mold for the cake pobrašnite.

Flour, cocoa, baking powder, salt and soda thoroughly in a uniform mixture.

In another bowl, butter and sugar until light mix, add the eggs one by one and stir well.

Add half the amount of flour with cocoa, mix, and a little milk, stir again, and after stirring, add rest of flour and milk.

Pour the slurry into the mold and bake for approximately 40 minutes, depending on oven, check with a toothpick.

Allow to cool 15 minutes, go through with a knife around the edge of the mold and remove the ring but the biscuit cut in half.

One biscuit onto the serving plate and around the set ring cake and, if desired sprinkle it with a little rum or milk.


Using a knife, cut along the length of vanilla bean, and the blunt edge of the knife, remove the seeds, put them in milk with a stick and Bourbon vanilla sugar, bring to boil, turn off the heat, cover and leave for 10 minutes to stand.

Strain and put fire to the boiling point.

Yolks and sugar until light mix.

Dissolve gelatin in water and leave for 10 minutes to swell.

Milk gently pour the mixture with the egg yolks, but all the time gently mix.

When the mixture evenly puree soup, return to heat and cook over low heat, stirring constantly until thickened.

Remove from the heat and put to cool in a bowl of cold water, or outside if it is cold enough

Stir in gelatin that you dissolve over low heat and let the mixture cool completely, then refrigerate the bowl for about ten minutes.

Beat the cream in a solid cream with vanilla sugar and cream fixom if needed, and gently put umiksajte cream eggs.

Cream shake at first biscuit around which you put a ring mold, align and easy on the cream Place the other cake. Refrigerate.


In a food processor finely chop chocolate.

Separate egg whites from the yolks, and egg yolks foamy mix with sugar.

Dissolve gelatin in water and leave to swell for 10 minutes.

Milk zavrijte and gently add the mixture of egg yolks lightly whisk constantly.

The mixture back on low heat and stir the whole time, making sure not to boil, about 10 minutes.

Dissolve gelatin over low heat and stir the mixture with milk and egg yolks.

Add the chocolate and stir until combined.

Let the cake cool completely.

Beat the cream in a solid cream with vanilla sugar and cream fixom if needed.

Gently stir in the chocolate mixture.

Put it on the second cake layer and leave the cake in the refrigerator for a few hours, preferably overnight. The next day, run a knife around the edge of the mold, remove the ring and decorate the cake as desired.

I am 500 ml of cream beaten into a solid cream, but not too tightly with vanilla sugar and cream fixom if needed, and stepped two flat tablespoons bitter cocoa powder and icing bag rules Pufnica around the cake.

Cake decorating after you put in the refrigerator to whip compressed.

Kiss cake


300g biscuits
150g butter or margarine
juice of one orange
1 tablespoon cognac or rum
700ml heavy cream
100g dark chocolate
250g mascarpone cheese
Krokant 50g walnuts
And more
Kisses / meringues


Butter mixer to create and append the ground biscuit, orange juice and a spoonful of brandy.

All beautifully unite and push the bottom of the mold with a diameter of 24 cm.

Zagijte 200 ml. cream to a boil, remove from stove and been broken into him chocolate.

Mix until the chocolate is melted.

2-3 tablespoons mlačnog chocolate cream, spreading over the surface in a mold.

The rest of the chill.

On the buttered surface Arrange "kisses" so that her entire coat.

Mix chocolate cream.

It cover kisses.

The rest of the cream izlupajte in whipped cream, and in it stir mascarpone cheese and walnut krokant.

Pour it over the chocolate cream, align, decorate and place on cooling for a few hours!

Cake is a simple and fine and I hope you enjoy it if you decide to do!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Cezar salat

200 g of chicken white meat
2 slices stale white bread
2 cloves garlic
Half a lemon
Olive oil
Chicken breasts, cut into strips and fry in a little oil to browned on both sides. Garlic finely chop, mix with bread chopped into cubes and fry in a pan in which the meat is fried. Wash salad, drain well and Tear pieces, then season with salt, put a little olive oil and the juice of half a lemon. More than that, put the chicken and bread.

A green salad that you will not use immediately rinse in cold water, wrap in a damp kitchen towel, and place in a plastic bag with holes

Cake with chocolate


For the cake:
-125 G butter
-150 G sugar
-150 Ml of milk
-100 G of wheat flour type 400
-60 G wheat flour type 550
20 grams of cocoa
-1 Baking powder
-2 Eggs
For the glaze:
-40 G butter
-100 G of chocolate


For the cake:
Butter heat to dissolve, remove from the heat, stir in the sugar, milk and finally add the flour mixture, cocoa and baking powder.

Add the eggs and well-crafted mixture pour into a greased and sprinkled with flour for cake mold.

Bake in preheated oven at 180 ° C for about 40-45 minutes.
For the glaze:

Heat the butter to boil, remove from heat, add broken up chocolate and stir to dissolve.
Glaze pour over the cooled cakes

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Batuda - soup with vegetables and meat

Beans 100g
Barley 40g
Potato 120g
Carrot 50g
Corn 70g
Garlic and parsley (a handful) 50 g
Cornerstone 1 l
Parsley (leaf and stem) 30 g
Green peppers 30g
Fresh tomatoes 30 g
Spareribs or pork neck 150g
Bacon 200g
Salt, pepper to taste
The first day put beans to power. Put the beans cook, when half cooked add corn, barley, onions, potatoes, garlic, parsley, bay leaf, finely chopped homemade bacon, pesto and vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, onions, peppers), and dry ribs or roast. When everything is cooked, take out the dry ribs or neck, and the meat must be cleaned and cut and return to soup. Soup spice as needed and serve after 15 minutes.

Cream cake with raspberries


25 oz fresh raspberries
1 whole egg
2 egg yolk
3 g of sugar
5 sheets of gelatin
10 ounces white chocolate
2 dl cream
5 tablespoons Maraschino (or other liqueur that is flavored agrees with raspberries)

One slip of gelatin
1.5 dl cream
8 oz dark chocolate

2 eggs
4 g of sugar
1 teaspoon grated lemon peel
a pinch of salt (for snow)
3 g of flour
PRELJEV with raspberries

10 oz raspberry
1/2 tablespoons sugar
1/2 pack of red toppings for cakes
Oblong mold (eg, ribbed for "deer ridge") pan with plastic wrap and plastic at the bottom of the Arrange dense, three in a row, cleaned raspberries hole facing upward.
For the cream Beat one whole egg and egg yolks with sugar. Gelatin leaf immerse in cold water for 4 minutes and is dissolved in a separate pot over low heat. White chocolate melt over hot water and stir in the cream of the eggs, then add the melted gelatin. Briskly stir in order to gelatin blended with cream. Add Maraschino / liquor in cold  whipped cream.
Pour the cream to raspberry.
Place the mold in the refrigerator for some cures.
For chocolate spread, soak the gelatin in cold water for 4 minut. Beat cream.
Melt chocolate steamed, and hot, add the gelatin. Stir over low heat until gelatin is completely finish to cool, add the cream mixture.
Spread the cream over the hardened yellow cream.
Put the cake back in the refrigerator for curing, and during this time, prepare the biscuit. Preheat oven to 200 °. C. Mix the egg yolks with the sugar and lemon zest. Beat solid whites (and crumbs salt) and add it alternately with flour into the egg yolk.
On baking paper, draw a rectangle measuring your mold (mine is smaller: 32.5 x 10 cm). Carefully apply a spoon to a drawn part of the biscuit mixture, making sure you do not exceed the edges of the line. Bake cake layer about 6-8 minutes view him you are not burnt. Try a toothpick if baked. If the toothpick is dry, baked it. Cool it and put chocolate spread over the mold.
When the cake hardens prepare half red sauces cake as directed on the bag.
Remove the cake and invert it onto a plate for serving. Remove foil.
The rest of the raspberries passed to a pulp, add sugar, stir.
The topping for the cake mix in the mashed raspberries and sugar and pour over cake.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Mushroom sauce

15 g button mushrooms
2 g of fat
5 oz port
chopped parsley
1/2 tablespoons flour
1 dl cream.
Wash the mushrooms, cut into slices and place on toasted onion. All together a little fry, add the flour, chopped parsley. Sauté, salt and pepper and finally add the cream.

Chocolate cake

Ingredients for sponge cake:
150 g of whole eggs
150 g of powdered sugar
40 g egg + 20 g sugar crystal
140g plain flour
30 g of cocoa
1 baking powder
Ingredients for the cream:
250 g cooking chocolate
225 g Whipping cream 33%
215 g jam from blueberries or raspberries
Ingredients for the glaze:
250 g cooking chocolate
220 g heavy cream 33%
2 teaspoons rum
Ingredients for decoration:
garnish of chocolate

whole egg puree soup with powdered sugar, when it is well blended and foamy, add the flour, cocoa, baking powder and blended bijelanjak with crystal sugar, all nicely stirred wooden spoons and placed in a mold for cake (alter, 23 cm) baked at 170-180 degrees 50-60 min When baked allowed to cool.


Boil the cream in a bowl you placed the broken chocolate and pour boiled cream, slowly mixed  to a smooth paste and add  cool (will not be totally compressed it will be a little liquid (but not much .when is sponge-sectional cooled by half a full cake, a little cream, leave for Boots cake, put it on for 3 hours in frigo sad you make the glaze

Veal mousse with pistachio

40dag veal shoulder
8dag prosciutto
10dag pistachio
5dag carrots
5dag leek
5dag onions
2dag parsley
0.5dcl whipping cream
10dag butter
2dag gelatin
For fat fry the veal cut into the shoulder, add cleaned spice vegetables. Simmer until tender. Add spices and remove from heat. Chilled meat blended, add the butter, soaked gelatin and at the end of the treasure blanched pistachios we roughly chopped. In the finished foam add half depressed cream
. Mold choose as you want and it coated with a thin prosciutto fetama that 1/3 overlap, fill to the top of mousse and covered with prosciutto. Place in refrigerator to cool. Serve as a cold appetizer.

Ice cake (the best cake in the world)



7 egg whites
5 egg yolks
10 tablespoons of sugar
4 tablespoons flour
3 tablespoons cocoa
6 tablespoons of water at room temperature
1 teaspoon baking powder


1 l. milk
180 gr. Bite
250 gr. butter or margarine
250 gr. icing sugar
4 vanilla sugar
2 egg yolks
2 tablespoons granulated sugar


I had a chocolate "Best wishes" 250 gr. so I made ganache, I added another 2 dl. cream and 1 teaspoon butter.

can and sheer glaze of 100 gr. chocolate and 3-4 tablespoons of oil.


Whip the egg whites and sugar in a sturdy snow. I muddy those waters any Immediately after the beginning of torture whites electric mixer at high speed gradually add the sugar and then muddy those waters any all together.
The snow egg whites add the egg yolks lightly stirring, then the flour, cocoa and baking powder, also gradually with gentle stirring. Finally add the water spoon by spoon.
Pour the mixture in a greased and sprinkled with flour a baking sheet and bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes.


In the milk add the vanilla sugar and cook a meal. Do not immediately removed from the heat as soon as it thickens, meal should be cooked at least 10 minutes.
Allow to cool.
2 egg yolks and 2 tablespoons sugar foam mix to turn white egg yolks and cook for about ten minutes to steam. Allow to cool.

Whisk the butter and sugar, add egg yolks, combine well but after adding 2.3 tbsp semolina constantly mute high speed.
Distribute the filling over the cooled crust, put the glaze and kept cool for several hours in the fridge.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Salmon with mashed potatoes and carrots

Salmon with mashed potatoes and carrots
I certainly remember until now, but here again to tell you - I love potatoes in all, absolutely all variants. This puree is made ​​with the addition of carrots. I do not eat carrots, potatoes but with great combine and was first-class.
In Piraeus, and ate salmon, roasted, flavored only with salt and pepper. A healthy Sunday lunch,

First, spray the fish cutlets with olive oil on both sides and season with salt and pepper. Arrange them on the baking paper and place them on the pan to bake in the oven at 180 degrees Celiusovi, about 15-20 minutes, or until the meat is not red fish inside.

During that time, do the paste, so you boil the potatoes and carrots. When they are soft, ispasirajte them while they are hot put the butter and milk. Stir and season with salt and pepper to taste.

The salad was fresh in addition to a salad of spinach, lettuce, tangerines, walnuts, pomegranate seeds and lemon.

It all coincided perfectly. I hope that once you try this wonderful combination of flavors.

Cookies flavored cheesecake

Cookies flavored cheesecake

Necessary ingredients:
3 ½ cup (250 ml) flour
2 tsp baking powder
teaspoon salt
240 g cream cheese
250g butter
1 ½ cup sugar
2 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
A cup crushed graham cookies or plasma
Compote of cherries or blueberries

Mix the flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl and set aside. In a separate bowl, with an electric mixer whisk cream cheese, butter and sugar until smooth and foamy mixture. Add the eggs one at a time, and at the end pour the vanilla extract and stir briefly.

To the mixture of eggs and butter Put dry ingredients Knead dough so. The dough form into a ball, wrap in plastic wrap and allow to harden in the fridge for half an hour.

Turn on the oven to 180C and prepare two baking pan lined with wax paper, and crumbled cookies ready in a small bowl. From dough form small balls, roll them in cookies, so go down to the baker with a gap of 5 cm between the balls. At the center of each ball with your finger make a small dent in that you will put three cherries.

Bake for 12-14 minutes.

Remove from oven and allow to cool completely before they serve.

Komad with leeks and spinach

Komad with leeks and spinach

For the dough you will need:

500 gr. Flour + for rasukuvanje
250 gr. water
Fresh yeast 1/2
For the filling you will need:

500g. spinach
1 tablespoon mixed spice
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon paprika
100 ml. water
You will need:

50 Grams. oil for sprinkling
To prepare this recipe using Split Container with handles and round pizza pan.

Step 1: flour, water, yeast and salt Knead the dough. Knead it well and let it get there.

Step 2: Meanwhile, prepare the filling. chopped leeks in butter and then add the spinach, mixed spice, pepper and water. Allow to simmer for 20 minutes or until water has evaporated spinach.

Step 3: Once the dough rise and r share of balls. Since every ball on  table
layers and arranges one another . On each of the peel oil spray.

Then, grasp the ends and wedge them inward like a crown that will make room for the filling in the middle. Leave to rise for another ten minutes.

Step 4: Place Commadona in preheated oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes or until lightly browned. Then add the prepared filling and return the pan to the oven ten minutes. Once finished, cover the dough with plastic wrap, then a towel, a little cool.
Step 5: Serve it with sour cream, sour milk or yogurt, if desired.

Drenched rolls with minced meat and ajvar

Drenched rolls with minced meat and ajvar

18 ready for pie crusts
1 cup oil + acidic water (mixed)
1/2 kg minced meat
600 g ajvar
1 onion
for spill
3 eggs
250g sour cream
From the dose received 3 rolls, 6 layers in all.
 together with onions and minced meat fry. Are removed from the fire and add the spices and Ajvar which you add optional. I put a little oregano, black pepper and Vegeta.
In a topside placed in mixed sex oil and acidic water. Exact measurement is not given, because some layers are softer and some check so it can afford a milliliter range.
This mixture is sprayed layers each row, except the last, 6th. It has been coated with a filling of minced meat and Ajvar which earlier also we have split into 3 parts and roll curling.
Walkthrough bake aims to roll like you've rolled and have as in this case, each roll to cut the width of two fingers and sliced ​​the top part to put them in a greased baking pan.
Top cover with  eggs and sour cream and baking at 190 degrees until nicely.

Indian bread with leafy prayer of peppers, cheese and sour cream

Indian bread with leafy prayer of peppers, cheese and sour cream

For the dough you will need:

250 g flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
60g melted butter
120 ml of hot water
You will also need:

20 grams of flour
15 grams of melted butter and 4 tablespoons oil for frying
Spreads will need:

1 red bell pepper
½ green pepper angry
100 grams of cheese
150 ml cream
hand parsley
To prepare this recipe using Split pan for pancakes and frying pan 20cm.

Step 1: We will start by preparing the dough. Begging Mix flour with salt. Add the melted butter and rub with flour to get the grainy structure. Add the water and hid medium hard dough that will not stick to the touch. The dough should not be too hard. Let stand 20 minutes.

Step 2: Meanwhile prepare the prayer, so that immediately bread serve while hot. Dice the peppers and parsley. Crumble cheese and mix with chopped peppers and sour cream. Add the parsley and stir to get the texture of prayer.

Step 3: Divide the dough into 4 parts and each part mix. Each ball, roll it in flour on all sides and Roll out into a round, thin crust.

Brush it with melted butter, put flour and 3 spoon little  them. Then the bark curling as range, I stretched the ends of it and then do snail. End bends down and presses a little.

Step 4: Each sneil roll it into a round crust. Not much needs to be pressed in order not to lose puff pieces.

When you stop all flatbread place pan on medium strong fire and put 1 teaspoon oil. When you heat the pan, place the bread. Bubbles will appear. When light red on the bottom, turn over and Coat the roast with the butter side. When you bake the other side and remove Coat the bread and butter with it.

Step 5: Serve bread them with prayer, and can start eating right away!

Bananito cake

Desert that will blow your mind: Create a fantastic Bananito cake



9 eggs
9 tablespoons sugar
9 tablespoons of ground walnuts
2 tablespoons of flour
1/2 pack of baking powder


1 liter of milk
2 pudding with vanilla flavor
4 tablespoons flour / heaping
2 sachets of vanilla sugar
250 grams of butter
2 tablespoons powdered sugar

Chocolate Frosting:

120g dark chocolate
80 g butter
8 tablespoons heavy cream

And more:
6 bananas
400 ml cream
juice from one lemon


Crust: Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Whisk the egg whites into a solid snow, add sugar, egg yolks one at, mix to get a thick mixture. Mix the walnuts, flour and baking and carefully add the mixture of eggs. Bake in a sheet from the oven. Cold crust cut off in two.

Filling: Mix flour, pudding and vanilla with a little milk. The rest of the milk cook up with sugar (quantity as desired) and add boiling pudding. Cream to cool, stir occasionally so as not to create a crust. Foamy butter and powdered sugar. Stir the pudding, which should be at room temperature.

On a tray to put a crust on it to grant half filling. For the filling comes the second crust and the other half filling. Banana peel and cut into half horizontally and squeeze them through the lemon juice. Stack them on the top layer of filling. Bananas little hand-corrected to be "flatter". When you put bananas, pour them with rich chocolate sauce. The upper part of the pie (custard and bananas), wrap with aluminum foil to help the chocolate does not get too  with cakes. Bananas must be well-molded chocolate that does not turn black. Cool and decorate the whipped cream.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Peppers in jars


20kg pepper
10 kg red tomatoes
250 grams of vinegar
250 g of sugar
Oil 250 gr
1 liter of oil
1 bunch of parsley
1 clove garlic (to taste)


Roasted peppers, peel them and remove the seeds.
Chopped the strips lengthwise and leave aside to drain.
On hand are crushed or ground tomatoes as you want and bring to simmer the fire.
Once you squirt, nice and boiling water, add 250 grams of oil, 250 grams and 250 grams vinegar sugar.
Left to boil so together another 5 minutes so I add chopped peppers.
Stir and add another 1 liter of oil.
Salt them with nuclei (sea) salt to taste.
Allow to boil for about an hour with gentle mixing
We do not have to like the Ajvar mix constantly.
Before the end once  is ready, add finely chopped garlic and parsley to taste also.
Collect hot in hot dry jars and close immediately.
I boil the jars in hot water hot jars.
You can prepare and ground and chopped.

Try a wonderful flavor ... Cheers ...

Baked spinach with rice and whole eggs


300-500 g spinach
1 1/2 cup rice
4 1/2 cups water
1 cube chicken soup
4 eggs


Spinach is good clean and wash. Then, the board chopped very finely.
In frying pan first boil spinach (to soften). Add oil and rice, so together frayed another time.
Meanwhile cube soup January dissolve in hot water along with other cold water pour into the pot. salty and put in the oven to make about half an hour at 200 degrees.
10 minutes before the end, open the oven and break the eggs, a certain distance from one another and, above salt and make.
The ratio of spinach and rice can vary, according to the taste and preferences, and the amount of eggs to the number of consumers.
Good appetite!


3 Sugar teaspoon
1000 grams of sugar
little Cinnamon
200 grams dates
1 bag / Key for Powder
150 grams of nuts
250 grams Margarine
4 tablespoons / s lime juice
1 Zest
1000 milliliters of water
2 bag Vanilla
450 grams of flour
2 eggs
Time to prepare: 30
Cooking time: 30 min.

Flour, baking powder, vanilla 1
sugar, eggs and melted margarine made ​​out
nice dough.
Allow the dough to rest 15 minutes.
Then continue  thus
added (if necessary) a bit more flour.
In a separate bowl, Messiah nuts, chopping
dates, cinnamon and the 3 tablespoons sugar.
It is filling the tatlii.
From dough take small balls the size
as walnut, palm squeeze are
 so pretty close from all sides
to not show the filling.
Soaked tatlii line up the tray and
Seal of 220 degrees.
While tatlii bake is ready
1kg of preparing syrup. sugar water.
lemon vanilla and juice that is added after
15 minutes cooking.
You need to be cooked syrup and light
When you bake tatlii
are pouring in



1 yeast
Half lukewarm water
200 g of milk
200 ml oil
3 small teaspoons salt
3 small teaspoons sugar
1200 grams of flour (flour in the recipe stands for
need, but I measure that takes about
1200 gr.)
125 g margarine Cube
optional cheese


The namrsena surface, zamesuvame high dough
of the above ingredients.
Nice we deal with the dough and divide 16
I leave the dough to double, but immediately
We start with his treatment.
Immediately rasukuvaat balls in small
Coated with melted margarine.
Crumble the cheese Filuvame
Once we isfiluvale, curling korichkata
as snail and sit in oil pan.
The procedure is repeated every beads.
So sarajl finished, we leave to arrive
about 20 minutes and then bake in the oven.
Ready when you change the color and
Smell lures, so I believe that will not
wait to cool ***

Baklava with semolina


You need: 1kg finished dough, nuts 700g (half ground), 500 g butter, 2 tablespoons semolina, 2 tablespoons cold water.
The tin lining up three or bark spray with butter previously melted over low heat. Sprinkled with nuts mixed with semolina. Filo pastry line up one by one, and each is sprayed first with butter and then with walnuts. It ends with three bark of which are sprayed with butter. Once cut (baklava always cut unbaked), sprayed with remaining butter which added two tablespoons cold water. After baking is pour sherbet 1300g of sugar and 700ml water and hot sticky hot sorbet (very nice softens, just above a crunchy).

Peppers with cheese

Peppers with cheese


1 Clean peppers seed.
2 Put the water, salt, sugar, vinegar to boiled, let cool slightly and pour pepper- leave  to 24 hours.
3 day ordered Mix cottage cheese with parsley and nuts, if not salty cover partially salt it to taste, pepper Recharge,
4 Arrange peppers in a jar refill,oily them with oil and vacuum the jars by putting them in water and let simmer about 10 good minutes - Turn stove, so leave them in the water until it starts to cool, once you notice that the cold remove the water from the water jars, wrap them in a blanket or towel, let it cool completely, and during that time and are well closed lids.

Sweet quinces


2.5 kg. ripe quinces
750 gr. water
2 kg. sugar
2 lemons
1/2 packet vinobran


First against sherbet.
Water with sugar placed in razlesto pot on fire to make sorbet. Meanwhile simmer until quince sorbet washed and grated sail grater. Grated placed in a bucket of water with a diluted 5 gr. vinobran to preserve color quiver. You can not put vinobran in that case the color of sweet will be slightly darker or slightly yellow-orange. Once you make sherbet quince drip and put in sherbet. After a nice start to boil all sweet leave to simmer another 20-25 minutes with occasional stirring. Once you cook sweet and golden yellow color goes away and immediately transferred to another pot to quickly cool and cover with a damp cloth to catch crust. Sweet is collected in a jar after it cools nicely. Upon boiling in sugar when you can put 1-2 lemons sliced ​​circles

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Just Baked

- Potatoes
- onion
- carrots
- garlic
- Pork meat (slices)

In covered baking pan place potatoes (cut on cubes), the meat, carrots, onion (cut on circles).
Mix with salt and black pepper

Bake in oven at low temperature (150 degree C) for about 1h, check if potatoes are softer. If yes add the broccoli and the garlic. Turn the meat  on other side and bake together for 30 min more. Remove the cover and bake for 20,30 min.
                                                                                                                                       - bon apetit -

Monday, October 20, 2014



2,3 onions shopped,
beef meat (melted)
1 kg. potatoes
black peppers
egg and yogurt (if desired)


Fry the onion until yellowish. add the meat and fry little until gets little color
cut the potatoes in circles. Place on bottom of baking pan. Above them place the fried onion and meat. Again place one layer of circle potatoes (can be thin like chips).
At the pan where onion was fried add around 500 ml water. add salt, black paper and spice like mints, dried vegetables if you desire. Warm the water and pour in the pan. potatoes need to be nearly covered with water, not to lot to swim in.
Bake in oven at 200 degrees C. By end if desired can add 1 scrambled egg with yogurt and bake for another 15 min.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Mashed potatoes with Pork

- 800 gr. of pork,
- 2 carrots 
- 200 gr. fresh mushrooms, 
- 150ml. white wine ,
- 1 onion, 
- 2 cloves of garlic.

- 1kg potatoes,
- 50 grams of butter,
- 150 grams of milk.


(for pork)

Cut the meat into small pieces, put in the oven, add sliced ​​carrots, garlic and mushrooms. Add the white wine and boil 2 hours of quiet oven.

(for mashed potatoes) 

- boil potatoes
When you cook are smash and add milk and butter. it is attached above the dining.

  - good appetite -

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Milk pot

- 200 gr. feta cheese
- salt
- tomato sauce
- yellow cheese

Place the feta on bottom, put salt, tomato sauce and mix. On top place the yellow cheese and put in preheat oven on 200 degree C. Bake for around 20 min. until cheese get brownish. 
serve with crispy bread.

Rice with Chicken Livers

- 350 grams of rice,

- 2 onions, 
- 1 chicken livers, 
- oil,
- salt,
- pepper

Boil chicken liver, cut side of the onion and fry in oil, after you have fried onions and add the rice, so I transferred to the pan, and poured the boiled liver are 1.2l water Bake at 250 degrees 30 minutes.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


- 1kg red peppers
- 100 ml cooking oil
- salt

cleaned peppers from seeds, then peel and seal
peeled peppers are ground in the machine for meat
placed in a heated oil and fry

This recipe is for one dose, but usually done with a great pepper- ajvar
served with warm bread

Wednesday, October 1, 2014



- 750g flour
- 1 dl oil
- 4 tablespoons sugar
- egg
- yolk
- 2.1 l of milk
- fresh yeast, 40 g
- pinch of salt
- sugar powder
- tsp sugar
- Oil

1st Dissolve the yeast in 1 dl warm milk with a little sugar and a little flour and let it grow.
While growing second whip the eggs with the rest of the milk, sugar and a pinch of salt, add yeast grown, then slowly add the flour and oil with constant mixing spoon.
Third Allow the dough to warm to double grows so PREMES, slide it into 1 cm thick and a glass or mold removing donuts.
Fourth Leave them for about half an hour to even grow, then fry in hot oil.
Fifth upper side (the growing) put in oil.
6th Sprinkle powdered sugar with added vanilla sugar

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Rice with Curds and Cream

- 350 grams of Rice
- 150 grams Greek Yougrt
- 250 grams Cheese
- Salt

Boiled rice, is cooked when you strain the water and washed with cold water

add curds and cream, add salt to taste

Simple meat balls


- 2 onions 
- 500 gr. beef ground meat
- bread crumbs
- 1 egg
- salt
- vegetable spice
- black pepper
- menta

Grate the onion. Put all ingredients in a bowl. Mix until combined.
Make balls and place in baking pan. On bottom put little oil.
Bake for 30 min on low temperature 150 degree C. until meat gets brown.
Take out the meat balls. In same pan add 2 spoons flour , 1 teaspoon red pepper, salt, oregano, 500 ml lukewarm water. Get back in oven. When starts boiling you add the meat balls again to bake. Bake for 30 min more.

Baked Cheese Broccoli‏

- 1 kg broccoli
- 150 grams of white cheese
- 250 ml sour cream
- 100 grams of yellow cheese
- Salt

boil broccoli 10 minutes, Pour into a baking  dish, add the white cheese and sour cream
Bake 10 minutes and then place yellow cheese
Bake another 10 minutes.
serve hot


Monday, September 29, 2014


- 250 ml water
- 50 ml oil
- pinch of salt
- 250 grams flour
- 4 eggs
- sorbet
- 600 g sugar
- 500 ml water
- 1 small package from 50g. vanilla- sugar
- little oil

First Prepare the sorbet.
Water and sugar boil. Boil for 20 minutes on medium flame. When ready add around 50 ml cold water and vanilla. Mix and let cool.


Water, oil and salt put in pan to boil. Add the four and mix well until combined. Leave to cool. Add the eggs and make a dough until smooth.
Ad the dough in  cooking syringe and fry in a pan with lot oil.
the fried tulumb add in the sorbet. lay in plate and pour the rest of the sorbet. Let cool and ready to eat